Monday, April 30, 2012

A courage to post this

Im writing this as tears are pouring down my eyes.
I cant stop them. Ive tried.
I am willing to let go of everything.
I am willing to hurt everyone.
Just please, answer this call.
Just please, answer this text.
The road in front of me looks like it is never ending
Its dark
Im scared
Im all alone except for this blank white screen

Ill keep driving. Till you answer this call of mine.
Please say something. Do something. And i will walk away from it all.

Just to be with you.
Just to be yours.
Just to feel the warmth of your body in the car seat next to mine again.
To see your smile again.
And laugh at all your silly thoughts.

Please care enough to answer me
Please worry enough to ask me anything
Anything at all.
This is the one chance i have.
The one time i can do this.
Please please
Love me enough to do this.

All i need from you
Is that one sign


I cant make you love me
If you don't

Morning is here and ill do whats right
Ive given time to let myself give up this fight
and now i will give up this fight

i will let go if this world.
in search of the next world's happiness.
it hurts very much to care about this world anymore
