Monday, November 12, 2012

Right about writing

I was reading through some of my old blog posts. It seems like it has been ages since I have had this need for typing on this blank piece of white screen. (yeap..not writing on papers anymore.although i still do prefer them. A little more hands on don't you think?)

I've never thought very much of myself as a writer. When i started my job as a copywriter about two years ago, I knew I could do the job. But I had no idea how good/bad I was at the job since I never get much of any kind of feedback from my colleagues, my bosses, my clients.

When I started, I got rejected a lot. I was asked to change this and that. Rewrite and rewrite. After a while, I realised, hey..Its just amendments now. No more rewrites. After a while more, I just did what I had to do. Its a job. Its sustainable.

I left that job just over a month ago. And being here, doing something entirely different than writing made me realise just about how much I miss it. I miss picking the different words that mean the same to fit it in the sentence, just to make it sound right. I miss constructing sentences that made people want to read on. I miss the sound of my own voice in my head reading the sentences to make sure they sound whole and complete in one paragraph. I actually miss writing a lot.

So yeah... Its back to writing for me. I'm going back to it next month. Oh..and that reminds me.. i gotta learn where to put my '.' and ',' and ';' and ':' and '-' and '...' and  even '' for that matter...haha...

I cant wait to get started again. In the meantime.. Mind your p's and q's peeps ;)
