There are somethings you can never take a break from.
Somethings without time outs.
Somethings which are the first on your mind, when you open your eyes to see the morning sunlight illuminating the room.
Somethings which are the last on your mind, before your eyes are shut and the dark abyss takes over.
Somethings that make you smile for its unboundless warmth and pleasure.
Somethings that make your tears seem unjustified, unsufficient to portray the frustration that overwhelms you.
Somethings that decide what sort of person you are.
Somethings that decide what sort of person you can be.
And, there are also somethings you just dont know. Somethings you just want. Somethings you need. Somethings you can never hold on to. And might just be able to have.
Takdir memang telah ditulis. Tetapi pilihan untuk ke jalan-A atau jalan-B tetap milik kita. Akal dah diberi. Yang betul dan yang salah, itu terpulang atas tuan punya nafsu dan logik. Not just somethings..but actually, ALL things..we decide.
"When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down"
-The Fray: Look After You
You, yes you..thanks for the motivation nak up entry ye :)
p/s: gambar tiada kene mengena dgn entry..hanya nak tambah gambar berunsur gedik dalam blog yg tak pernah ada gambar ni :P |