Why is it so difficult to do what we are supposed to do. What we have been doing the last 27 years. We keep moving an inch here, another inch there to fit in, and let everyone else fit in. People fighting, screaming for just propositions, but end up doing the one thing they have always wanted to do. Stomp over, take over and screw over.
Im building intolerance towards tolerating. Ive had enough. Giving in all the time means weakness to some people. And when they are blind to the strength in giving in, they fail to see the repercussions. A recoil of emotional and mental suppression over the years.
Yes. Ive made up my mind. I will be still and silent. But my silent frustrated screams will be projected on my attitude and behaviour, as it is only natural.
p/s: tolerance is begging for respect. respect is not asking for it, neither is it impliedly forced upon. It is earned. I only give it to the well deserving.